About Me…

Hi! My Name is… Edith

Welcome to Bloom With Purpose, where your journey through chronic conditions is met with understanding, support, and empowerment. My name is Edith Terry, and my personal and professional life has been a testament to overcoming and thriving despite the odds.

Life has thrown a mix of challenges my way—some of my own making and others entirely unexpected. It took years of learning, experimenting, and immersing myself in countless books and courses to finally experience a breakthrough. This journey sparked a profound transformation, not just in managing my own health but also in how I approach life and business. Now, I am dedicated to uplifting women like you.

My mission is simple: to empower you to thrive in both life and business, even with chronic conditions. I believe that managing your health effectively and pursuing professional success can go hand in hand, fostering resilience and a fulfilling life. With a strong passion for building a supportive community, I’m here to accompany you on every step of your journey, helping you navigate both the hurdles and successes.

Together, let’s nurture your journey, embrace purpose, and turn your aspirations into reality. Connect with me and discover the amazing possibilities that await!

